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History of Vote It All

Vote It All was born out of a singular desire: To return power to the people.

Hand-coded from scratch by Joshua Petersen, the site is, at its core, meant to reinforce and expand the freedoms people are having a harder and harder time getting access to. Because when it comes down to it, a community's ability to preserve their freedom is about getting organized without that organizing structure getting corrupted. With Vote It All, there is no heirarchy, there is noone who is above others, it is a place where all can speak up equally, and make their voice heard, a place where the will of the people is the final word.

Vote It All is not a business. There are no shareholders, no management team, no CEOs, and no Presidents. Vote it All is not a club. There is no exclusive membership, there are no membership fees, or anything similar. Vote It All doesn't guarantee anything, or promise anything, and what it is, is provided AS IS, which is as a gift to the community, to give people a chance to work together and come to decisions together without the need to put people above eachother.

Vote It All doesn't strive for income, and doesn't seek income. Vote It All has no plans to ever ask for donations or charge for using the site. There is no "Contact Us", because there is no one to contact.